Injection molding is one of the primary processes used for producing plastic articles, as it is a highly versatile method. It is a time-efficient and cost-effective process, capable of producing mass quantities of identical items. It can be used for anything from high precision engineering parts, to disposable consumer goods. Almost all sectors of manufacturing, from automobiles to children toys, use injection molded parts. There are many advantages to using this method, in comparison to other methods of plastic molding.


  • Fast Production- One of the greatest advantages of using plastic mold injection is its high-efficiency rate. Once the injection molds have been designed, the molding process is very quick, producing high volumes of parts per hour. Depending on the number of impressions, it’ll typically take 15-30 seconds for each cycle time. This means that more parts can be manufactured from just a single mold. The production rate makes for a very cost-effective and efficient method.
  • Detailed Features- Because the injection molds are exposed to extremely high pressure, it is possible to add intricate details into the design using this method. The molds are pressed harder against the mold than any other process, making it easier to create these complex designs and shapes.
  • Multiple Plastic Types- With plastic injection molding you have the ability to use different types of plastic simultaneously. This can be done by using co-injection molding, which opens up your options to use multiple types of plastic. You can also easily change the color of the plastic, in addition to the material.
  • Increased Strength– Injection molding allows for the use of filler in the molds. Using fillers can help reduce the density of the plastic while it’s being molded, which also helps add greater strength to the part once the process is complete. If you’re looking for durability in your parts, plastic injection molding is the most effective method.
  • Low Costs– The majority of the injection process is performed by machines and robotics, which only takes one operator to manage. The use of automation helps to reduce overhead manufacturing costs. It also helps cut labor costs, making the overall cost of the manufactured product much lower. These savings can be reflected in the cost of the product being manufactured.

Contact Lee Plastics: With over 100 years experience in the plastic industry, Lee Plastics is well-equipped to take on any project, no matter how big or small. To learn more about our plastic mold injection services, contact us today! Fill out our contact form or call us directly at (978) 422-7611.